Cove's Strategy

Cove invests directly in real estate acquisitions both directly and alongside partners. Our primary strategy is to target smaller cash-flowing workforce apartment buildings of 40-100 units that offer room for operational improvements. Properties of this size are often undermanaged and typically fall under the radar of larger institutional investors. 

We rigorously analyze every investment opportunity and co-invest in every deal. We always provide full transparency to our underwriting models, fees, compensation, and regular reporting for every project.

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Discovering Deep Work

For most of my career, I did my best work after 7 pm or early on weekend mornings.  The amount of work wasn’t the problem. It was the environment. I did my best at odd

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Complacent Contrarians

It’s easy to feel bearish in the current environment. Just read almost any news headline or check your investment accounts. The negativity hits on a short ride around town. For example, I swear our local

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Multifamily Valuations Too Complacent?

Here we go. Fancy new title. Broader mandate. Yet somehow, I can’t move forward without first sharing some thoughts on multifamily real estate valuations. Mainly, that’s because I don’t get it. Please note that nothing

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